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Yasuto Watanabe

Earth System Scientist, Ph.D. Student in the University of Tokyo


Music (traphouse-jazz, hiphop, R&B, post-classical, soul, dnb, math rock, alternative, etc.)

Movies, Musicals, Photography, Gaming, Coding, Piano Playing


Watanabe, Y., Tajika, E. Atmospheric oxygenation of the early earth and earth-like planets driven by competition between land and seafloor weathering. Earth Planets Space 73, 188 (2021). Link


International Meetings

Main Author

Yasuto Watanabe and Eiichi Tajika (2021) Earth-like Planets with Phosphorus-limited Biosphere: Competition between Continental and Seafloor Weathering, Poster Presentation, Astrobiology Graduate Conference 2021 (2021/9/14-17, Online).

Yasuto Watanabe, Eiichi Tajika, Kazumi Ozaki, Peng K. Hong (2021), Haze Formation Limits the Primary Productivity of Marine Anaerobic Ecosystem during the Archean, Online Oral+Poster Presentation, Goldschmidt2021 [scheduled]

Yasuto Watanabe, Eiichi Tajika (2021), Relationship among evolutions of continental crust, marine ecosystem, and atmosphere, Oral Presentation, JPGU2021

Yasuto Watanabe, Eiichi Tajika, Kazumi Ozaki, Peng K. Hong (2021), Effect of Hydrocarbon Haze on Marine Primary Production in the Early Earth System, Virtual Presentation, EGU2021

Yasuto Watanabe, Eiichi Tajika, Kazumi Ozaki, Peng K. Hong (2020), Consequence of Hydrocarbon Haze Formation on Global Carbon Cycle under Anoxic and Mildly Oxidized Environment, Virtual Presentation, Goldschmidt 2020

Yasuto Watanabe, Eiichi Tajika, Kazumi Ozaki, Peng K. Hong (2020), Potential Positive Feedback Mechanisms in an Anoxic Environmental System of a Planet with CO2-CH4 Atmosphere, Virtual Presentation, JpGU-AGU Joint Meeting 2020

Yasuto Watanabe, Eiichi Tajika, Kazumi Ozaki, Peng K. Hong (2020), Effect of Hydrocarbon Haze on Climate Stability under Mildly Oxidized Late-Archean Environment, Virtual Presentation, JpGU-AGU Joint Meeting 2020, invited

Yasuto Watanabe, Eiichi Tajika, Kazumi Ozaki, Peng K. Hong (2019), Haze-free Warm Climatic Condition and Its Stability in the Anoxic Archean Earth, Oral Presentation, AGU 2019 (2019.12.09-13, San Francisco, USA)

Yasuto Watanabe, Eiichi Tajika, Kazumi Ozaki, Peng K. Hong (2019), Global Carbon Cycle and Climate Stability in the Early Earth System, Oral Presentation, AbSciCon 2019 (2019.06.24-28, Hyatt Regency Bellevue, Washington, USA)

Yasuto Watanabe, Eiichi Tajika, Kazumi Ozaki, Peng K. Hong (2019), Effects of the formation of hydrocarbon aerosols on the climate stability of Earth-like planets and their habitability, Oral Presentation, Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2019 (2019.05.26-30, Makuhari-Messe, Chiba, Japan)


Aika Akahori, Yasuto Watanabe, and Eiichi Tajika (2021) Feedback mechanism of methane production on early Earth and Earth-like exoplanets with primitive marine ecosystems, Poster Presentation, Astrobiology Graduate Conference 2021 (2021/9/14-17, Online).

Aika Akahori, Yasuto Watanabe, Eiichi Tajika (2021), A mechanism for non-linear amplification of methane flux in the earlyEarth system with primitive biosphere, Oral Presentation, JPGU2021

[Cancelled] Ryotaro Todoroki, Ayako Abe-Ouchi, Fuyuki Saito, Yasuto Watanabe, Wing-Le Chan. (2020). Analysis of the deglaciation of MIS 11 (Termination V) using an ice-sheet model, Virtual Presentation, JpGU-AGU Joint Meeting 2020

Kanon Kino, Ayako Abe-Ouchi, Ryouta O’ishi, Fuyuki Saito, Masakazu Yoshimori, and Yasuto Watanabe. (2019). Role of the Earth’s orbital parameters (obliquity, precession, and eccentricity) in the glacial-interglacial warmings, Oral Presentation, 15th International RSM workshop (2019.11.19-21, Kashiwa, Japan)

Ayako Abe-Ouchi, Wing-Le Chan, Yasuto Watanabe, Sam Sherriff-Tadano, Takashi Obase, Kanon Kino, Fuyuki Saito, Kenji Kawamura, and Takahito Mitsui. (2019). Modelling the glacial cycles with 40 kyr cycle before MPT: Why and how different were the ice sheet and climate from the recent 100 kyr cycle world?, Oral Presentation, EGU General Assembly 2019 (2019.04.07-12, Vienna, Austria)

Ayako Abe-Ouchi, Fuyuki Saito, Wing-Le Chan, Kanon Kino, Yasuto Watanabe and Ryouta O’ishi. (2017). Relative role of astronomical forcings and the atmospheric carbon dioxide during the glacial cycles of the last 1.5 million years, Oral Presentation, AGU Fall Meeting 2017 (2017.12.11-15, New Oreans, USA)